George Barbier : Master of Art Deco Illustration, Graphics and Costume Design

7.799 kr.

George Barbier (1882–1932) is one of the great French illustrators of the early twentieth century. He is famous for his elegant art deco works that were heavily influenced by orientalism and Parisian couture.
Born in Nantes, France in 1882, he skyrocketed to fame and notoriety after his first exhibition in 1911. Known as one of “the knights of the bracelet” for his luxurious and glamorous lifestyle and work, George Barbier also received renown for costumes and set designs he did for theater, film, and ballet. Even today, his modern and stylish illustrations are popular all over the world. (mostly Japanese texts, some English as supplementary) With critical essays on such topics as coloration and composition, this volume is a complete compendium of Barbier’s work. This valuable reference book is categorized by Barbier’s major projects in fashion, book illustration, theater art, and editorial design and is perfect for illustrators and graphic designers as well as a beautiful gift for someone very special.

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Vörunúmer: 9784756241443 Flokkur:
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