Casket Case

2.699 kr.

Nora Clanton sells caskets. It wasn’t her dream job, but it’s the family business. She lives in a sleepy town in the middle-of-nowhere, and her only friends are decades older than her. Her life might be comfortable but sometimes she finds herself wanting more.

Then Garrett Bishop turns up and sweeps her off her feet. He’s handsome, charming and seems to have a good (if vague) job. There is one little thing though . . . death seems to follow him and rumours never stay buried in her tiny town.

But when Nora finds out what Garrett has been hiding and all the ghosts left in his wake, she wonders whether it is time to lay their love to rest too . . .

Brimming with characters you cannot help but fall for, Casket Case is a heartfelt small-town romance bursting with life, heart and light. It is The Dead Romantics meets The Good Place.

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Vörunúmer: 9781398723948 Flokkur:
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