Spider-Man by Michelinie & Larsen Omnibus

15.999 kr.

Every Spider-Man story featuring the action-packed art of Erik Larsen — including his fan-favorite collaboration with writer David Michelinie! These two top-notch creators pitted Spidey against heavyweights like Magneto, the Tri-Sentinel and the Punisher — but that was just a warm-up for the main events: The return of the Sinister Six! A deadlier-than-ever Venom! And a senses-shattering showdown with Doctor Doom! In this seminal run, Spider-Man gains cosmic abilities, loses his spider-powers, battles Styx & Stone and the Black Fox, and fights alongside…Sandman and the Avengers?!
Plus: A latter-day showdown with the Spider-Slayers — and Larsen doubles up as writer to team Spider-Man with Wolverine and deliver the shocking sequel “Revenge of the Sinister Six”!

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Vörunúmer: 9781302959036 Flokkur:
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