Ask For Mercy – Vol 02

5.899 kr.


An exciting, ACTION-PACKED and ARTISTICALLY STUNNING horror story from award-winning ELEPHANTMEN and THE BEEF writer and creator RICHARD STARKINGS alongside PARLIAMENT OF ROOKS creator ABIGAIL JILL HARDING!

This volume collects Seasons Three and Four of the very first Comixology Originals series. There are MONSTERS in the world and the only people who can stop them are MONSTERS themselves! MERCY, RATMIR, and BUDGIE are adrift in time and must fight for the fate of the world of 2020 by confronting The Kroach and The Hybrid in 2023.

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9781506746944 Flokkur:
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