Notes From An Island

2.699 kr.

Features Tove’s seven page prose poem, The Island, published for the first time in the

For thirty summers Tove and her partner, the graphic artist, Tuulikki Pietilä, retreated to the tiny island of Klovharun, a rocky outcrop in the gulf of Finland, where they would live, paint and write, energised by the shifting seascapes and the island’s austere charms. Notes from an Island, offers both a memoir of, and homage to, this beloved island home. Tove’s spare prose, and Tuulikki’s subtle washes and aquatints, combine to form a work of meditative beauty.This edition includes the first UK publication of Tove’s acclaimed 1961 essay/prose poem, The Island.

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Vörunúmer: 9781908745941 Flokkur:
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