Fablehouse: Heart of Fire

2.299 kr.

Fablehouse is a children’s home like no other. Heather and her friends who live here have magic at their fingertips. The children have a powerful friend in Pal, an Arthurian knight. But not everyone the children meet is on their side.

Fablehouse is threatened by an inspector who is searching for a reason to close down this safe haven for mixed-race children. The kids are desperate to save their home, but Pal is distracted. He cannot rest until he’s completed the quest given to him by King Arthur centuries ago.

Can magic help the children to fulfil their destiny, or will they be more isolated than ever? Heather can conjure up fire, but is scared that she can’t control it. Fire can destroy – but could Heather also use its warmth and protection to save her friends and their home?

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Vörunúmer: 9781526649560 Flokkar: ,
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