Swamp Thing by Rick Veitch Book One: Wild Things

5.899 kr.

Classic Swamp Thing stories written and drawn by legendary comics creator Rick Veitch return to print for the first time in years!

Rick Veitch originally joined DC’s seminal Swamp Thing series as an artist during writer Alan Moore’s game-changing run, bringing to life some of the most inventive horror and fantasy concepts ever seen in mainstream comics.

Following Moore’s departure, Veitch took over as both writer and artist, continuing the revered creative legacy of Swamp Thing, and adding elements of time travel and metaphysics to one of the most unique comics of its era. 

The Swamp Thing by Rick Veitch Book One brings these stories back to print, including Swamp Thing #65-73; Swamp Thing Annual #3; Hellblazer #4-5; and material from Secret Origins #23and Infinity, Inc. #4.

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Vörunúmer: 9781779528117 Flokkur:
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