Tryst Six Venom

3.799 kr.

Marymount girls are good girls. Even if they weren’t, no one would know, because girls like Clay Collins keep their mouths shut. Not that Clay has anything to share, anyway. Always in control, she owns the hallways, walking tall on Monday and then dropping to her knees like the good Catholic girl she is on Sunday. What she wants she has to hide. Liv Jaeger crosses the tracks every day for one reason: to graduate from high school and get into the Ivy League. But Clay – with her beautiful skin, clean shoes, and rich parents – torments her daily and thinks Liv won’t fight back. At least not until Liv gets Clay alone and finds out she’s hiding so much more than just what’s underneath those pretty clothes. Liv told Clay to stay on her side of town. But one night, Clay doesn’t listen. And once Liv is done with her, she’ll never be a good girl again.

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