The Far Side Off-the-Wall 2025 Desk Calendar

3.599 kr.

Dogs and cats are certainly no strangers to the world of comics, but in the realm of The Far Side®, they’re a lot stranger. For 2025, we dug out the bestselling The Far Side®1997 Off-The-Wall Calendar and brought back all the laughs in a slightly revised edition that will make long-time fans wag and purr with delight.

There are cat people. There are dog people. And there are The Far Side® people. And all of them will be thrilled to get their paws on this updated reissue of The Far Side® 1997 Off-The-Wall Calendar! With a special emphasis on feline- and canine-themed panels, The Far Side®2025 Off-The-Wall Calendar delivers a year’s worth of classic black-and-white cartoons that could only come from the brilliant mind of Gary Larson. You’ll beg for more as Larson hilariously lampoons our beloved furry friends’ true natures by putting their most elemental inner instincts and inclinations under the microscope and letting us have a laugh at their expense (or is it ours?) . . .  the kind of laughs that fans the world over have come to expect from The Far Side®. It’s the perfect human treat!

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Vörunúmer: 9781524890551 Flokkur:
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