Stranger Things: The Voyage

3.999 kr.

In this new Stranger Things story arc, the Demogorgon is a long way from Hawkins, Indiana and a Russian scientist is desperately trying to get their quarry home aboard an ocean freighter.

Captain Jacoby is too broke to reject a shady deal from a group of Russians looking to get from Alaska back to Kamchatka on his freighter ship, The Persephone. Things get turned upside down when a crew member gets butchered. The captain and his crew suspect something strange is at play and must root out a monster while a vicious storm rages all around them in the middle of the ocean.

Comics and Screenwriter Michael Moreci (Barbaric, The Plot) and outstanding artist Todor Hristov (Stranger Things: Kamchatka), and team return for a tight-quarters rampage in the world of Stranger Things

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Vörunúmer: 9781506727684 Flokkur:
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