Not Another Love Song

2.699 kr.

I’ll never look at a cello quite the same way…’ Jodi Picoult

Gwen Jackson is a musical prodigy – but she fought hard for everything she now has.
Xander Thorne comes from musical royalty. He’s a genius – but it all fell in his lap.
Already tensely opposed, when Gwen takes the spot of First Chair in the New York Pops Orchestra – a position Xander has coveted for years – their hostility goes up a notch… and their chemistry on stage goes off the scale.
Forced to find a grudging respect for one another’s music, suddenly they are box office dynamite. And as the respect turns to admiration and then heated attraction, they must decide – will a note of discord ruin their perfect harmony or can this fragile romance reach its breathtaking climax?

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