Show-Ha Shoten – Vol 05

2.399 kr.

Shy Azemichi Shijima has secretly been studying the art of comedy. His outgoing classmate Taiyo Higashikata has big dreams of being funny but no follow-through. When the two team up, they just might take the comedy world by storm! By winning the preliminary round, Azemichi and Taiyo have officially qualified for the Wara-1 Koshien comedy competition! Rumor has it that everyone who’s ever gotten advice from the eccentric Professor Hiyama has gone on to win Wara-1 Koshien—but the only way to get that advice is to win the Hiyama Cup! Can Azemichi and Taiyo beat both Broken Glass Slipper and Shiba Inu World Tour to win a meeting with the comedy legend?

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