Black Widow by Kelly Thompson

6.999 kr.

Natasha Romanoff has been a spy almost as long as she’s been alive. And she’s never stopped running, whether she was working for the good guys or the bad. But now she is…retired? And enjoying a perfect life she never dreamed she could have. But if you scratch the surface, you’ll find something very wrong lurking beneath this new world — and a woman like Nat just can’t help but scratch. As her happy existence ends in heartbreak, Nat must make a fresh start! Back in San Francisco, she finds new allies…and dangerous enemies, including the scheming Apogee and the enigmatic Twins. But worst of all is the Living Blade — the one skeleton in the Widow’s closet that she hoped would never come back out!

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9781302952662 Flokkur:
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