Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz

2.699 kr.

Meet the beloved Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz in this exciting collection by Sunday Times bestseller Garth Nix gathering all eight of their stories – plus a never-before-published tale – in one magical volume for the very first time!

Sir Hereward: the only male child of an ancient society of witches. Knight, artillerist, swordsman. Mercenary for hire. Ill-starred lover.

Mister Fitz: puppet, sorcerer, loremaster. Practitioner of arcane arts and wielder of sorcerous needles.

Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz: godslayers. Agents of the Council of the Treaty for the Safety of the World, charged with the location and removal of listed extra-dimensional entities, more commonly known as gods.

Together, they are relentless travellers in a treacherous world of magic, gunpowder, and adventure.

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