Rainbow Tarot

5.399 kr.

Embark on a psychedelic journey of self-discovery with this dreamy, one-of-a-kind tarot deck, where magical figures from the Major and Minor Arcana burst with emotion, energy, and queer pride.

Rainbow Tarot vibrates with So Lazo’s contemporary and colorful artwork, offering a fresh take on the iconography of Pamela Colman Smith’s time-honored art nouveau tarot illustrations. This deck includes a detailed guidebook featuring card interpretations and customized spreads by writer and third-generation clairvoyant Cyree Jarelle Johnson.

The accessible art and text make this a perfect starter deck, and the innovative, referential approach will continue to yield rewarding insights as you deepen your spiritual practice. Open your mind and let these radiant cards guide you in channeling your inner power, connecting to the collective unconscious, and embracing every facet of your identity.

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9781797225852 Flokkur:
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