Poems on Nature (MCL)

2.899 kr.

A delightful collection of nature poems introduced by author Helen Macdonald.

The poems in Poems on Nature are divided into spring, summer, autumn and winter to reflect in verse the changes of the seasons and the passing of time.
Since poetry began, there have been poems about nature; it’s a complex subject that has inspired some of the most beautiful poetry ever written. Poets from Andrew Marvell to W. B. Yeats and Emily Brontë have sought to describe the natural environment and our relationship with it. There is also a rich tradition of songs and rhymes, such as ’Scarborough Fair’, that hark back to a rural way of life which may now be lost, but is brought back to life in the lyrical verses included in this collection.

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Vörunúmer: 9781035026760 Flokkar: ,
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