Being Ace – An Anthology…

3.799 kr.

This diverse asexual anthology highlights the ace spectrum experience in a collection of 15 unique stories, flash fiction, and poetry.

A disabled vigilante trying to save her kidnapped girlfriend, a little mermaid who loves her sisters more than suitors, a slayer whose virgin blood keeps attracting monsters and more, the works in Being Ace are anything but conventional. Whether in psychiatric hospitals, space ships, haunted cemeteries, or under the sea, no two aces are the same in 15 unique works that highlight asexual romance, aromantic love, and the many other sub-identities of the asexual spectrum umbrella. From a mixture of established and emerging YA writers, contributors include Rosiee Thor, Akemi Dawn Bowman, Linsey Miller, and Moniza Hossain.

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Vörunúmer: 9781645679561 Flokkur: Vörumerki:
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