Rick and Morty Vs. Cthulhu

4.999 kr.

Just when you thought Cthulhu was all played out in the pop culture ecosystem, Rick and Morty™ enter the Lovecraft dimension!When their home is infested by eldritch terror, Rick Sanchez and the Smith family traverse a Lovecraftian hellscape to track down and defeat the big guy himself: CTHULHU.On their journey through Arkham and the realms beyond, they’re waylaid by literary monstrosities and the characters obsessed with them—fighting off hordes of fish-people, finding and losing love, battling sentient cosmic color, and taking potshots at ol’ H.P. along the way.

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9781637152218 Flokkur:
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