All Cats Are on the Autism Spectrum

2.999 kr.

Fresh, fun update to this classic bestseller, which playfully explains autism through pictures of catsBrand new update to the bestselling All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome, with all-new images of cats and updated language and terminology throughout. It provides a gentle, engaging introduction to the world of autism, demonstrating the individuality and potential of autistic people. Ideal for adults and children alike.
This updated edition of the bestselling All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome provides an engaging, gentle introduction to autism.All-new cats take a playful look at the world of autism, and these fun feline friends will strike a chord with all those who are familiar with typical autistic traits, bringing to life common characteristics such as sensory sensitivities, social issues and communication difficulties.Touching, humorous and insightful, this book evokes all the joys and challenges of being on the autism spectrum, leaving the reader with a sense of the dignity, individuality and the potential of autistic people.

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