Ultimate Spider-Man Omnibus – Vol 04

19.999 kr.

The Green Goblin escapes from prison — and he wants Peter Parker dead. Can Spidey’s friends help him fend off the Goblin’s vengeance-crazed attack? Meanwhile, one of Peter’s classmates makes a startling discovery: she’s a mutant! But when family secrets come to light, she may be forced to join Magneto’s Brotherhood! Then, symbiotes return — and as Venom takes on Carnage, Gwen Stacy’s life hangs in the balance! And life will change forever when Magneto issues a terrifying Ultimatum and unleashes a tidal wave on Manhattan. Amid the chaos, villains see opportunity…and the up-and-coming Mysterio targets Spider-Man for elimination by any means necessary! Will a sinister imposter damage Peter’s life beyond repair?

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