The Breaker Omnibus Vol 03

3.699 kr.

Chang-Ho, the school bully, and his gang. Will Si-Woo be able to control his strength and newly acquired powers in front of his opponents who, although vio-lent, are merely human? Si-Woon is also unaware that at that moment, So-Chun Hyuk, heir to the Chun-Do clan, witnesses the scene and discovers the true talents of the young man…

With the arrival of So-Chun, the story enters a new, much more intense chapter, especially for young hero Si-Woon, who is now caught up in the Murim uni-verse. A new world of dangers lies ahead, and the young high school student will have to start fighting on his own, against enemies of a different caliber! He may be entering a spiral of violence in which he may never come out.

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