My Deer Friend Nokotan Vol 02

2.599 kr.

Koshitan and Nokotan’s dreams of a thriving Deer Club are on the line! Their club room has been wrecked and a mysterious hunter wants Nokotan’s head. Only one thing can save Deer Club. A…trivia contest? That can’t be right. What about a fashion show? A MyTube channel? Surely, a livestream of cute deer Nokotan will help. Whatever Koshitan and Nokotan come up with, one thing is for sure: they’ll need a lot of deer crackers.

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9781638583189 Flokkur:
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Vefverslun Nexus notar vafrakökur til að safna og greina upplýsingar um notkun og virkni vefsins.